Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Social Studies

Wow! I can't believe it has been almost a year to the day since my last post, a little after my birthday last year. When I started this blog, I was just starting to have my very first classroom and I wanted to record all of the cute projects we were doing, click the tabs at the top to see some of them!

But that was years ago and I've come a long way since then... sort of. In my last post a year ago I was telling you all that I am looking into teaching abroad and hoping to leave before 2019. Well surprise!... I'm still in the United States 🤣🤣🤣

But that's not the end of the story...

I have actually settled on a country. I haven't announced it yet because I am still waiting on some paperwork but the SECOND it is all finalized, I cannot wait to share it with you all!

But I'll get back to that when I can give more information.

Current situation...

Struggling to balance teaching and having a social life

For a long time I didn't have a lot of friends, and the ones I did have were hard to stay in contact with because I kept moving around.

Fast forward to today

I moved... again... to a city nearby the one I was raised in. So I still teach in a district that's 35-45 minutes away from where I live. So I find myself super tired at the end of a work day, mind you I'm still a substitute teacher so I don't grade papers and write lesson plans at the moment. And I've finally stopped going to school so I don't come home and do homework anymore. I've been trying to reconnect with old friends and make some new ones along the way. Last summer I chose not to work and I had what was arguably the BEST summer of my life. I went to the beach, concerts, parties, and made so many great memories with great people.

I guess this is something I deal with because I'm still young and single so I wonder... How do full time teachers with families makes time for... anything else?


  1. You write as if you're actually a teacher and actually do projects with kids...but I've seen you walk into classes like a total a-hole. As a sub you can sub close to home with no commitment ya know.

    1. 🤣I don't know how one walks into a classroom like a "total a-hole" but I def am an actual teacher and have had my own classrooms in the past. As a sub I do whatever the teachers leave for me and sometimes make up things on the fly if they don't leave enough work. And yes I'm aware I can sub close to where I live. Take off that anonymous button if you wanna have a real conversation.

    2. Yeah sure, because any good comes from that. I'm just letting you know, you aren't a real teacher and you sound like an a-hole when you walk into someone else's classroom talking to little kids like delinquents. Your tone sets the day and your attitude sucks.

    3. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 you're really making my day that you have all this to say but hiding behind the anonymous button. You don't know a thing about me clearly cause I've never talked to any child like there a delinquent. If I've come in the room like a hard ass it's because I've had that class before and know that they're going to try to walk all over the substitute which I will not have. And my Master's degree, 3 certifications and paycheck that say teacher would disagree with you about me being a "real teacher". My "attitude" is dependent on the behavior of the students 🤣 that's really comical of you to say my attitude sucks 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. Sub paycheck = teacher's paycheck... I doubt that.

    1. Reading is fundamental kiddo. Never said they were equal. But I grow bored of you so I'm done with this conversation.

  3. I'm bored with you too, pretend teacher. Go sub where you live and don't complain about the drive. Don't complain about anons writing here if you leave the option available.
