Friday, August 21, 2015

Movin' On Up!

So I've been accepted into graduate school and I'm still stressing about finding a place to live. It is so far looking like I'm going to have to commute from my current address to school until I find a place, that's an hour and a half commute. I'll be leaving my current job in the 2 year old room in a week. Today I received an email from a woman I interviewed with at a daycare in the city my grad school is in. She offered me a job, full time preschool teacher with more money than I'm making in my current position! I don't have all the details yet but I assume I'll be lead teacher in my own 4 year old class but who knows. I just know I've got a job which will hopefully open some doors to finding an apartment. A lot of the landlords have told me they don't feel comfortable renting to me without a job so maybe this will help. But I am excited to start this next chapter in my life. I worked in a grocery store for 6 years, I've worked in retail and even McDonald's. It's uplifting for myself to feel like I'm at a place where I won't have to work in a job outside of the childcare or education field again in my life (hopefully). It's good to feel like my certification and degree and experience and the things that I've worked at and for are finally presenting opportunities for me.

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