Sunday, July 26, 2015

It Never Gets Old, Trust Me

One of the things that gets me through the hard times is the love and trust that come from the children. That feeling I get when I pick up a child and they put their arms around my shoulders and lay their head on me is priceless. It's that feeling of overwhelming love. They aren't just letting you pick them up, they want you to and they trust you to show them love back. It completely melts me when a child falls asleep on me I have no words for that one. I don't think I could fall asleep in the arms of someone I didn't trust to care for me even while I was unconscious.

I know my kids really love and trust me when I'm the one they run to when they're crying. You generally go to someone who is going to at least try to make you feel better when you're hurt or sad. I hate to see my babies cry but when they come running to me while they're crying I know they expect me to help them. It's just one of those things that shows me they trust me to make it all better.

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